Supporting Young People to Have a positive impact

My ImpacT

My Impact is an innovative online platform that has been designed to support young people to develop the skills needed to have a positive impact on society. The programme will help them to understand and manage their emotions, develop self-confidence and develop crucial skills to underpin their future success.

Participants complete a detailed self-evaluation exercise to identify the areas that they need to work on most. Once this process is complete they receive support to define their aspirations and ambitions, identify the steps to success and develop important skills which will benefit them in adult life.  

Progress is tracked throughout the process in an online portfolio which can be shared with parents and their school.

Online Portfolio

Each student has their own online portfolio which they use to set personal targets and track their progress. Staff and parents can monitor the student's progress at any time, from any location.

Intervention Materials

Schools are provided with weekly intervention materials to enable staff to deliver one to one sessions with students who need to improve their self confidence or are struggling to regulate their behaviour.


Staff at My Impact schools are supported to implement proven strategies to support their students. They also benefit from ongoing telephone and email support and access to a growing network of like minded professionals.

The Framework

Values Driven Purpose Engagement Self Awareness Emotional Regulation Organisation Relating to others Connected Avoiding negativity Communication Confidence Resilience

Our twelve strand personal development framework enables young people to reflect on their areas for development.

An innovative solution


The Benefits

A Positive Alternative to Sanctions

My Impact supports students to deliver meaningful projects which impact positively on themselves. their school and the community.

Reducing Exclusions

Intervention materials are suppled on a regular basis, providing your staff meaningful, pre-planned sessions to support individual students to remain within mainstream provision.

Delivering School Improvement

Participating students are encouraged to deliver projects that will have a measurable impact on their school or community.

Professional Network

Through our growing network of schools, we can link you up with like minded professionals and broker cross school support.

Weekly Interventions

We plan your interventions for you so that you don't have to. New interventions are provided every week, enabling you to spend more time with your students.

Training Sessions

You will receive training for a nominated member of staff as soon as you sign up with us. You will also be eligible to attend any online sessions we offer, free of charge.


My Impact students are eligible to receive a range of awards to recognise the progress they have made and to celebrate the postive impact that they have had on their schools and communities.

Support for Parents

If you choose to do so, youl can provide parents with access to the online portfolio. We will upload advice sheets for parents and suggested support activities that they can complete at home.

An Evidenced Intervention

The online portfolio will act as a record of the interventions you have put in place as well as tracking the progress made. This will provide valuable evidence of the work that you have done to support each student.