The My Impact framework allows young people to reflect on 12 key areas for personal development. The self reflection statements area as follows:

Values driven

  • I know what my personal values are
  • I have considered how my personal values affect my decision making
  • I live my life according to my personal values
  • The people I have chosen to have in my life have similar values to me


  • I want to have a positive impact on my community and those around me
  • I see the value in education and learning
  • I know what I want to do as a career
  • I know what learning I need to do to achieve my ambitions


  • I am curious about the world around me
  • I am able to motivate myself to start on a task and do not procrastinate
  • I actively listen to instructions
  • I fully participate in my work/learning
  • I seek out opportunities to better myself

Self awareness

  • I spend time thinking about who I am and who I want to be
  • I know what my personal strengths and areas for development are
  • I reflect on my behaviour and can identify how this impacts on others
  • I seek feedback from others and act on this feedback

Emotional regulation

  • I can identify which emotions I am feeling
  • I can identify the reasons that I am feeling these emotions (approach, avoid or attack)
  • I am aware strategies to help me manage negative emotions
  • I understand that feelings are temporary
  • I can use the strategies to help me manage my emotions effectively


  • I am able to manage my time effectively
  • I know how to prioritise (do the most important thing first)
  • I am able to plan what I need to ensure that I have a successful day (having the right clothing, equipment, knowing what my schedule is etc)
  • I use strategies to help me to be organised (list making etc)

Able to relate to others

  • I understand what empathy is and can empathise with others
  • I demonstrate respect, even when people have a different background or views to my own
  • I help others and strive to be a positive role model
  • I find it easy to forgive and move on


  • I feel as though I am a valued part of a community
  • I have positive role models in my life who encourage and support me to make good choices
  • I know a large network of people with different skills and backgrounds
  • I am able to reach out to others to help me to achieve my goals

Resistance to negative influences

  • I can identify right from wrong
  • I can identify when people are trying to manipulate or influence me to do the wrong thing
  • I am able to say no when others encourage me to get involved in negative behaviours
  • I seek out people who are likely to have a positive influence in my life
  • I seek out experiences that are likely to have a positive influence on my future


  • I have good spoken skills and can make my views and ideas understood
  • I am able to communicate my needs and emotions to others
  • I am able to influence and persuade others without becoming aggressive
  • I have good written skills


  • I feel that I am worthy of love and support
  • I believe that I am able to achieve what I want in life
  • I understand what assertiveness is and am able to be assertive when I need to


  • I am determined and do not give up when things get hard
  • I know what my protective factors are and how to use these when I need to
  • I have strategies to cope with distress
  • I am able to live in the moment and do not spend too much time dwelling on the past or worrying about the future
  • I can find meaning in negative events